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    本文摘要:The quickest street-legal car to lap the Nürburgring is electric.创下纽博格林赛道记录的街道跑车(相比于赛道跑车,street-legal指合乎灯光、安全性等规定可上路的车辆)是电动的。

    The quickest street-legal car to lap the Nürburgring is electric.创下纽博格林赛道记录的街道跑车(相比于赛道跑车,street-legal指合乎灯光、安全性等规定可上路的车辆)是电动的。The Nio EP9 an electric supercar built by Chinese startup NextEV lapped the famous German racetrack in just 6 minutes 45.90 seconds. That’s a substantial improvement over the 6:52.01 set by the Lamborghini Huracán LP640-4 Performante last fall. But because just 16 copies of the EP9 will be built some will likely consider the Lambo’s lap time to be more meaningful as a yardstick for production cars.由中国人创立的蔚来汽车生产的电动超跑Nio EP9在知名的德国赛道上跑出了单圈6分45.90秒的成绩。这比起去年秋天由兰博基尼飓风LP640-4刷新的6:52.01记录是一个明显提高。但因为EP9只生产16台,有些人可能会指出兰博基尼的记录对量产汽车更有意义。

    This is actually the second time the EP9 has visited the Nürburgring. Last fall it set a lap time of 7:05.12. Nio said the 19.22-second improvement was achieved thanks to better weather conditions on the second attempt.实质上这是EP9第二次造访纽博格林。去年秋天它获得过单圈7:05.12的成绩。蔚来公司称之为第二次试跑成绩提升了19.22秒是因为更佳的天气状况。

    The EP9 is powered by four electric motors producing a combined 1342 horsepower. While Nio won’t quote a 0 to 60 mph time it claims the EP9 can do 0 to 200 kph (0 to 124 mph) in 7.1 seconds and reach a top speed of 124 mph. The supercar also features an “interchangeable battery system” that allows charging in 45 minutes an estimated range of 265 miles and autonomous-driving capability.EP9由四台独立国家电机驱动,一共可获取1342马力动力。蔚来公司没获取其0到60英里时速的加速时间,但声称EP9可在7.1秒内加快至最低时速200公里(0到时速124英里)。“可移位电池系统”也是该超跑众多特色,该系统下电池45分钟续航平均265英里,还不具备自动驾驶能力。

